sábado, 7 de junio de 2008

Tenía truco, el soft money sigue en campaña

Si ayer nos referíamos en nuestro post al truco del DCCC y al DSCC que iban a seguir recibiendo financiación de lobbies y PACs, hoy el NYT nos "descubre" que las compañías están jugando un papel esencial en la financiación de los 40 millones de dolares que costará la Convención demócrata que se celebrará en Denver.

El NYT señala como:

Elected Democratic officials have been calling on corporations — meeting with Wall Street executives and flying to San Diego, Philadelphia and Las Vegas — to raise the $40 million the party has budgeted for the convention, in August. In return, these Democratic officials are promising corporate donors “sponsor benefits packages” that include private sessions with federal officeholders and other influential party leaders.

“The 2008 Democratic National Convention will bring together a unique group of business leaders, high-level lawmakers, members of the national and international media and prominent academics,” said a brochure from the host committee. “This is a rare opportunity to play a leadership role in a substantive discussion on timely issues affecting your industry with company executives, scholars, elected officials and members of the media.” Corporate executives will have access to as many as 232 members of Congress, 51 senators and 28 governors in what is being marketed as a “once in a lifetime” opportunity.

Algo similar ocurre en la parte de los republicanos:

one of the three co-chairmen of Mr. McCain’s presidential campaign, Gov. Tim Pawlenty of Minnesota, has taken the lead in soliciting corporations on behalf of the Republican convention in St. Paul, with promises, according to literature from the Twin Cities committee, of golf outings and private dinners with Republican leaders, including Mr. McCain and other members of Congress.

The Campaign Fund Institution señala como

“When these Colorado Democrats and Minnesota Republicans ‘make the ask,’ ” the report said, “their undeniable civic boosterism frequently is accompanied by offers of special access to federal elected officials, national party leaders and other party influentials.”

Además denuncia como se está incrementando espectacularmente el coste de las convenciones. Estas además de lo que tienen previsto recaudar, entre los 40 y los 60 millones de dolares, reciben 16 millones de dolares extra del Estado y otros 50 millones para garantizar la seguridad del evento.

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